package cli import ( "context" "fmt" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type Format struct{} func (f *Format) Run() error { start := time.Now() Cli.Configure() l := log.WithPrefix("format") defer func() { if err := cache.Close(); err != nil { l.Errorf("failed to close cache: %v", err) } }() // create an overall context ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() // register shutdown hook shutdown.Add(cancel) // read config cfg, err := format.ReadConfigFile(Cli.ConfigFile) if err != nil { return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to read config file") } // create optional formatter filter set formatterSet := make(map[string]bool) for _, name := range Cli.Formatters { _, ok := cfg.Formatters[name] if !ok { return errors.Errorf("formatter not found in config: %v", name) } formatterSet[name] = true } includeFormatter := func(name string) bool { if len(formatterSet) == 0 { return true } else { _, include := formatterSet[name] return include } } // init formatters for name, formatter := range cfg.Formatters { if !includeFormatter(name) { // remove this formatter delete(cfg.Formatters, name) l.Debugf("formatter %v is not in formatter list %v, skipping", name, Cli.Formatters) continue } err = formatter.Init(name) if err == format.ErrFormatterNotFound && Cli.AllowMissingFormatter { l.Debugf("formatter not found: %v", name) // remove this formatter delete(cfg.Formatters, name) } else if err != nil { return errors.Annotatef(err, "failed to initialise formatter: %v", name) } } ctx = format.RegisterFormatters(ctx, cfg.Formatters) if err = cache.Open(Cli.TreeRoot, Cli.ClearCache); err != nil { return err } // pendingCh := make(chan string, 1024) completedCh := make(chan string, 1024) ctx = format.SetCompletedChannel(ctx, completedCh) // eg, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx) // start the formatters for name := range cfg.Formatters { formatter := cfg.Formatters[name] eg.Go(func() error { return formatter.Run(ctx) }) } // determine paths to be formatted pathsCh := make(chan string, 1024) // update cache as paths are completed eg.Go(func() error { batchSize := 1024 batch := make([]string, batchSize) var pending, completed, changes int LOOP: for { select { case _, ok := <-pendingCh: if ok { pending += 1 } else if pending == completed { break LOOP } case path, ok := <-completedCh: if !ok { break LOOP } batch = append(batch, path) if len(batch) == batchSize { count, err := cache.Update(batch) if err != nil { return err } changes += count batch = batch[:0] } completed += 1 if completed == pending { close(completedCh) } } } // final flush count, err := cache.Update(batch) if err != nil { return err } changes += count fmt.Printf("%v files changed in %v", changes, time.Now().Sub(start)) return nil }) eg.Go(func() error { count := 0 for path := range pathsCh { // todo cycle detection in Befores for _, formatter := range cfg.Formatters { if formatter.Wants(path) { pendingCh <- path count += 1 formatter.Put(path) } } } for _, formatter := range cfg.Formatters { formatter.Close() } if count == 0 { close(completedCh) } return nil }) eg.Go(func() error { defer close(pathsCh) return cache.ChangeSet(ctx, Cli.TreeRoot, pathsCh) }) // shutdown.Listen(syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM) return eg.Wait() }