--- outline: deep --- # Contribution guidelines This file contains instructions that will help you make a contribution. ## Licensing The treefmt binaries and this user guide are licensed under the [MIT license](https://numtide.github.io/treefmt/LICENSE.html). ## Before you contribute Here you can take a look at the [existing issues](https://github.com/numtide/treefmt/issues). Feel free to contribute, but make sure you have a [GitHub account](https://github.com/join) first :) . If you're new to open source, please read GitHub's guide on [How to Contribute to Open Source](https://opensource.guide/how-to-contribute/). It's a quick read, and it's a great way to introduce yourself to how things work behind the scenes in open-source projects. Before sending a pull request, make sure that you've read all the guidelines. If you don't understand something, please [state your question clearly in an issue](https://github.com/numtide/treefmt/issues/new) or ask the community on the [treefmt matrix server](https://matrix.to/#/#treefmt:numtide.com). ## Creating an issue If you need to create an issue, make sure to clearly describe it, including: - The steps to reproduce it if it's a bug - The version of treefmt used - The database driver and version - The database version The cache database is stored in a toml file the ~/.cache/treefmt directory. ## Making changes If you want to introduce changes to the project, please follow these steps: - Fork the repository on GitHub - Create a branch on your fork. Don't commit directly to main - Add the necessary tests for your changes - Run treefmt in the source directory before you commit your changes - Push your changes to the branch in your repository fork - Submit a pull request to the original repository Make sure you based your commits on logical and atomic units! ## Examples of git history Git history that we want to have: Git history that we are trying to avoid:
Git history that we want to have ``` * e3ed88b (HEAD -> contribution-guide, upstream/main, origin/main, origin/HEAD, main) Merge pull request #470 from zimbatm/fix_lru_cache |\ | * 1ab7d9f Use rayon for multithreading command |/ * e9c5bb4 Merge pull request #468 from zimbatm/multithread |\ | * de2d6cf Add lint property for Formatter struct | * cd2ed17 Fix impl on Formatter get_command() function |/ * 028c344 Merge pull request #465 from rayon/0.15.0-release |\ | * 7b619d6 0.15.0 release |/ * acdf7df Merge pull request #463 from zimbatm/support-multi-part-namespaces ```
Git history that we are trying to avoid: ``` * 4c8aca8 Merge pull request #120 from zimbatm/add-rayon |\ | * fc2b449 use rayon for engine now | * 2304683 add rayon config | * 5285bd3 bump base image to F30 * | 4d0fbe2 Merge pull request #114 from rizary/create_method_create_release |\ \ | * | 36a9396 test changed | * | 22f681d method create release for github created * | | 2ef4ea1 Merge pull request #119 from rizary/config.rs |\ \ \ | |/ / |/| | | * | 5f1b8f0 unused functions removed * | | a93c361 Merge pull request #117 from zimbatm/add-getreleases-to-abstract |\ \ \ | |/ / |/| | | * | 0a97236 add get_releses for Cargo | * | 55e4c57 add get_releases/get_release into engine.rs |/ / * | badeddd Merge pull request #101 from zimbatm/extreme-cachin ```
Additionally, it's always good to work on improving documentation and adding examples. Thank you for considering contributing to `treefmt`.