# A list of known formatters Here is a list of all the formatters we tested. Feel free to send a PR to add other ones! ## [prettier](https://prettier.io/) An opinionated code formatter that supports many languages. ```toml command = "prettier" options = ["--write"] includes = [ "*.css", "*.html", "*.js", "*.json", "*.jsx", "*.md", "*.mdx", "*.scss", "*.ts", "*.yaml", ] ``` ## [Black](https://github.com/psf/black) A python formatter. ```toml command = "black" includes = ["*.py"] ``` ## [clang-format](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html) A tool to format C/C++/Java/JavaScript/Objective-C/Protobuf/C# code. ```toml command = "clang-format" options = [ "-i" ] includes = [ "*.c", "*.cpp", "*.cc", "*.h", "*.hpp" ] ``` Note: This example focuses on C/C++ but can be modified to use with other languages. ## Elm ```toml command = "elm-format" options = ["--yes"] includes = ["*.elm"] ``` ## Go ```toml command = "gofmt" options = ["-w"] includes = ["*.go"] ``` ## [Ormolu](https://github.com/tweag/ormolu) Haskell formatter. Make sure to use ormolu as older versions don't adhere to the spec. ```toml command = "ormolu" options = [ "--ghc-opt", "-XBangPatterns", "--ghc-opt", "-XPatternSynonyms", "--ghc-opt", "-XTypeApplications", "--mode", "inplace", "--check-idempotence", ] includes = ["*.hs"] ``` ## [stylish-haskell](https://github.com/jaspervdj/stylish-haskell) Another Haskell formatter. ```toml command = "stylish-haskell" options = [ "--inplace" ] includes = [ "*.hs" ] ``` ## [nixpkgs-fmt](https://github.com/nix-community/nixpkgs-fmt) Nix code formatter. ```toml command = "nixpkgs-fmt" includes = ["*.nix"] ``` ## rustfmt ```toml command = "rustfmt" options = ["--edition", "2018"] includes = ["*.rs"] ``` ## [rufo](https://github.com/ruby-formatter/rufo) Rufo is an opinionated ruby formatter. By default it exits with status 3 on file change so we have to pass the `-x` option. ```toml command = "rufo" options = ["-x"] includes = ["*.rb"] ``` ## cargo fmt `cargo fmt` is not supported as it doesn't follow the spec. It doesn't allow to pass arbitrary files to be formatted, which treefmt relies on. Use `rustfmt` instead (which is what `cargo fmt` uses under the hood). ## [shfmt](https://github.com/mvdan/sh) A shell code formatter. ```toml command = "shfmt" options = [ "-i", "2", # indent 2 "-s", # simplify the code "-w", # write back to the file ] includes = ["*.sh"] ``` ## terraform terraform fmt only supports formatting one file at the time. See https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/pull/28191